Unit 1.2 *The Tour

(Unit 1.2)
The Tour
Revival Videos
Pages 1-4

Season 1: Revival
Pages 1 - 4

Season 1: Pages 1 - 4
Entrée (Praying videos)

Inside the 3-in-1

*Restaurant  *Treasure Room  *Classroom

You will see more of my toy collection. 


handmade toys, and sparkling posters.

Featuring my favorite toy; the “SCALE.”

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Unit 1.2 *The Tour

Aside from the 

poor quality of the image, 

what else do you see?


A lower case “t” ?

A “cross” ?

What about a “Scale” ?


it’s all three.


-I made it myself, 

using a black poster board, 

and layers of white, red, and gold 

glitter paper.

I also took the picture; lol!

Ms. Janice will put 


from “A-Z” and “0-9”

On the Scale

The Lord hates 

dishonest scales, 

but accurate weights 

find favor with Him. 

Proverbs 11:1

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Unit 1.2 *The Tour

Here's a "purpose" nugget...
"When building a Legacy,
Don't despise small beginnings"

    page 3     

Unit 1.2 *The Tour

Small Beginnings

Do you realize… 

“10 million” started with 1 (one), 

and grew, and grew, 

and grew into 10 million! 

So don’t get it twisted, “ONE” was first,

the small beginning.

And, since God gives seed(s) to the sower, -Grow 

your God given seed(s) up too! 


I pray that your small beginning 

exceeds 10 million!

 “Work it, believer; Work it!”

You are the head, not the tail…

You are above, not beneath,

In Jesus name Amen.

 Deuteronomy 28:13

    page 4     

Unit 1.2 *The Tour


God gave one individual 

five talents, 

to another He gave two talents, 

and to another He gave one talent, 

each person received 

according to his own ability. 

Matthew 25:15

God gave everyone 

at least one talent,


not everybody work 

what they are given!

Grow your seed(s) up,

Don’t waste your gift,

Grow it up Sweetie!

Be profitable.

    page 5     

Season 1: Revival
Page 5
Entrée (Praying Video)

Unit 1.2 *The Tour

Don’t laugh at my small beginnings…

This 10×10 room 

is really a very large Oak tree.

Can you see it?

Use your Spiritual eyes.

See it now? Keep watching, you will.

Don’t despise (hate)

small beginnings!

Zechariah 4:10

The DESSERT; Video 1

Unit 1.2 *The Tour

In the appetizer video

I introduce the “Scale” of life, 

the natural, and Spirit realms.

Balance is so important

God highlights the scale

in our body. 

I’ll show you that, 

and so much more. 

The scale.

The APPETIZER; video 2

 Balance; Seek a good weight.

In every area of your life.

Unit 1.2 *The Tour

The Entrée part 1

In this video

I put 3John2 on the scale.

The trifecta…

1. Spiritual Prosperity

2. Good Health

3. Material Wealth 


The Entrée part 1 (1 of 2)

The Entrée part 1 (2 of 2)

The Lord demands 

accurate scales and balances; 

He sets the standards for fairness.

Proverbs 16:11

Unit 1.2 *The Tour

The Entrée part 2

In this video I introduce

Sugar, my guardian angel,

The Anointing, 

and Prayer.

I pray for our hands

in this video.

“Heavenly Father…

bless the works of our hands.” 

Thank you Father

The Entrée pt. 2 (1 of 3)

The Entrée pt. 2 (2 of 3)

The Entrée pt. 2 (3 of 3)

Unit 1.2 *The Tour

What's Next?

Unit 1. 3 *The Scale
